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Getting Started

Welcome to the tutorial section of Class++ !
Here, you will learn what you need to install Class++, how to install it, and how to create a basic testing script.


To use Class++, you don't need to be an expert developer, all you need is:

  • Basic understanding on the concept of OOP (Object Oriented Programming), and Classes.
  • Understanding on how metatables work in Roblox.

Basically, if you're already experienced with OOP, you're good to go!
Especially, if you already have knowledge in languages like C++ and Java, your job will be pretty easy.


Installing Class++ is pretty easy! Just head over to this link to download the ModuleScript.

After the download, open Roblox Studio, go into the place that you want to import Class++ to and right click on the ReplicatedStorage (or the location that you want to insert into), and select "Insert from File".

Select the Class++.rbxm file that you just downloaded, and if the ModuleScript has appeared, congratulations, the Installation is complete!

Creating A Testing Script

Now that you installed Class++, we can create a script to test if it has been successfully installed:

  • 1: Create a Script or a LocalScript instance, and parent it to workspace or StarterPlayer > StarterPlayerScripts.
  • 2: Remove the print("Hello World") line, and paste the following code in:
local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
local ClassPP = require(ReplicatedStorage["Class++"])
local class = ClassPP.class
  • 3: Press "Play" or "Run". If everything is working properly and there are no errors, you're good to go!