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Access Specifiers

Unlike any other class module or system on Roblox, Class++ comes with an Access Specifier system, like in C++, it provides you a way to modify the access control of a member. There are currently 4 access specifiers in Class++: Public, Private, Protected, and Friend.
(You will learn about Protected and Friend later.)

Public Access Specifier

Like you have seen in the examples on the previous pages, a Public access specifier allows anyone to access a member. Whether it be from a function inside the class or from the script's main thread, the member is accessible and can be modified.

local class = ClassPP.class

local Car = class "Car" {
    Public = {
        Brand = "Lamborghini",

local newCar =
newCar.Brand = "Tesla"

In this example, we created a new class with a Public member Brand that has the default value of Lamborghini.
Then we created a new object from this class and modified the Brand member of this object. Now the value is set to Tesla.

Private Access Specifier

Private access specifier allows you to hide a member from anyone outside from that class. No one besides the class members can access this member or modify it.

local class = ClassPP.class

local Car = class "Car" {
    Public = {
        Brand = "Lamborghini",
    Private = {
        License_Plate = "XXXX"

local newCar =
newCar.License_Plate = "YYYY" -- This will error!

In this example, we updated the previous class with a private member named License_Plate, this member is private and can only be accessed by the class members, so trying to access or modify it outside of the class will cause an error.


A member (property/attribute) can be declared only once. This means a member can only be defined under one access specifier. Attempting to declare another member with the same name on a different access specifier will error.